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Partner Program

The Partner Program is a select-entry partnership for popular content creators and teams. Partnership offers by the network are made on a case-by-case basis.

All partners must actively post Minecraft-focused content. There are no concrete requirements for followers/subscribers/views to be eligible to apply.

We will consider content creators and teams from all platforms—the partner program is more comprehensive than YouTube channels.

Your account must also follow the Terms of Service for the platform. For instance, you must be at least 13 years old to create a YouTube account.

The perks offered to partners include:

  • Ability to set a custom nickname in-game (as opposed to selecting a randomly generated one)
  • Access to Titan rank perks (public parties, private games, 40-player party limit, replays, exclusive guild tag, and more)
  • An exclusive Partner rank both on Discord and in-game
  • Permission to run official NetherGames giveaways through your channel at no cost to you (we will run giveaways at our request and discretion)

Partner guidelines

Partners are not exempt from network regulations and are expected to uphold higher standards as role models for the community. We encourage partners to familiarise themselves with network regulations here and Discord server regulations here.

In addition, we will not consider applications from users who have excessive warnings under their account or who have been previously banned/muted for severe offences.

Steps to apply

You can apply for Partner by following these steps:

  1. Go to
  2. Login with your Microsoft (Xbox) account you use to play Minecraft with (if you're not already logged in)
  3. Select "Apply for Partner"
  4. Follow the steps to link your Discord & YouTube account
  5. Fill out the details required to make the application

Once submitted, you will receive a response within 7 days to your email address registered on your Xbox account. You can also check the status of your application anytime by viewing your submissions at


Do not message staff asking about the status of your application while it is still pending. If your application has passed 30 days without a response, please contact us through Modmail on our Discord server, or through livechat at the bottom of