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At NetherGames, we pride ourselves on being a community-based Minecraft server. The players should always be at the forefront of what we do and try to achieve.

What differentiates us from other servers is that most of our staff members (owners included) are dedicated volunteers who receive no compensation for their work in the network. What started as a hobby project in January 2016 has become one of the world's largest Minecraft Bedrock server networks. Over 3.9 million players have logged on since late 2017 (when we enforced Xbox Live authentication) to play over 14 game types. It continues to be a rewarding side project for us today—one that does not exist to make a profit but rather to serve the community.

Our 60+ staff members come from around the globe—we all share a passion for our server and aim to ensure each player enjoys playing on NetherGames.

There are several qualities and personality traits that we look for in applicants:

  • Committed to helping our network and other players
  • Friendly, fun, and professional attitude
  • Active and willing to learn

When you work at NetherGames, you get to work with a highly motivated and friendly staff team. Some of the friends you make and the relationships you establish while working on our team extend far beyond your time here. It is also an excellent opportunity to step outside your comfort zone to further yourself. You will learn how to work with others in a team effectively and handle certain situations while keeping cool, among many other things.


All staff positions here require applicants to be 13 years or older and registered on our Discord server (except for Trainee, which requires 14+).

Staff Positions

Volunteer Positions:

  • Trainee
  • Support Representative
  • Game Designer
  • Discord Moderator

Paid Positions:

  • Developer
  • Builder
  • Designer

Application Process

Registering your interest in a staff position by applying to us is the first step. You will always receive a response from us about your application, regardless of whether it is accepted or denied.

After you submit your application:

  1. Our Applications Department staff members will review your application within one week, reading your responses to the questions. If your application needs more detail (i.e., vague answers) or meets our requirements, your application will be allowed at this stage.
  2. If your application looks good, it will be shortlisted for review by People & Culture Department team members. We will perform background checks on you and cross-check any references you provide. We may also check your application for discrepancies.
  3. If you pass the 2nd review stage, you will be invited to partake in a text or voice interview on our Discord server, where we can get to know you better. You will be asked various questions, from personal life to your experience with Minecraft and anywhere in between.
  4. You may be asked to partake in additional skills tests depending on the position you applied for (e.g., a live build test for builders)
  5. Your responses in the interview and results of your skills test (if applicable) will be reviewed by our Executive Team. Suppose you are a suitable fit for the NetherGames staff team. In that case, you will be accepted and asked to sign an agreement form (which varies from position to position).


Before you apply, we've had thousands of applications over the past few years, so we know what makes a great application. Here are some tips from us:

  • Select a staff position for which you are a good fit. Applying for several jobs simply for a better chance of becoming a staff member does not work. You may be blocked if you do this.
  • Avoid directly asking to be accepted in your application. Begging does not convince us that you will be a suitable applicant. Instead, it tells us that you are more likely interested in an excellent-looking rank. Show us why you are the ideal candidate instead.
  • When answering a long-answer question, elaborate, give more detail than minimally required, and be concise. We want to know more about you and what you can do, but we also prefer to spend less than 2 hours reading your application.
  • Use proper grammar and punctuation in your answers. Being professional suggests that you may be able to uphold our expectations of our staff members.
  • Proofread your application several times after you've answered all the required questions. Applications with many grammatical errors suggest that you rushed them and ignored details.
  • Be truthful in your answers. We want to know who you are, not who someone else is. Suppose you are accepted, and we find out that your application contains false information. In that case, you may be dismissed and blocked from reapplying.
  • Write your application instead of copying from others. Plagiarism is prohibited, and we have procedures to detect such conduct. As with false information, you may be dismissed and blocked from applying if caught.
  • Avoid asking about the status of your application while it is pending. Our team, at their leisure, will review your application and notify you when the status has been updated. We may even deny your application if you constantly ask us about the result before it is reviewed.
  • If you have previously applied and your application was denied, we recommend you take note of the tips our Application Reviewer gives you and work on these issues in your next application.

Current Volunteer Positions


Trainee is our entry-level in-game moderator staff position. You must be at least 14 years old to apply.

Successful applicants will be accepted into our Trainee Program. This probation stage lasts anywhere from a week to a few months. During this period, they will be tasked with reporting offenders that break server regulations and assisting players across official platforms, such as our Discord server and in-game.

We expect applicants to be active, committed, and willing to learn & challenge themselves. At the minimum standard, a rate of 2 accepted reports a day is required to clear the probation period and be promoted to our Crew position. They will be permitted to issue offenders' warnings and punishments directly.

While we will provide you with the adequate training necessary to take on this volunteer role, you are responsible for the physical equipment you will use to complete the tasks we ask of you while in this position. This means you must have an appropriate device capable of taking screenshots and recording.

Click here to apply

Discord Moderator


You must be a former or current NetherGames staff member to apply for this position.

Discord Moderator is one of our chat moderation staff positions.

Successful applicants will assist our Discord Moderation Division to ensure that all content posted is appropriate. All users adhere to our Discord Server Regulations on our official Discord server and provide necessary assistance to players through the platform.

We expect applicants to be active and committed. Applicants are also required to either be former or current NetherGames staff members.

While we will provide you with the adequate training necessary to take on this volunteer role, you are responsible for the physical equipment you will use to complete the tasks we ask of you while in this position.

Click here to apply

Support Representative


You must be a former or current NetherGames staff member to apply for this position.

Support Representative is our dedicated player support staff position.

Successful applicants will assist our Player Support Department in helping players who encounter issues, have enquiries about our network, or require assistance in general procedures... Including all official platforms such as our Discord server, in-game, and our ModMail Support system.

We expect applicants to be active and committed. Applicants are also required to either be former or current NetherGames staff members.

While we will provide you with the adequate training necessary to take on this volunteer role, you are responsible for the physical equipment you will use to complete the tasks we ask of you while in this position.

Click here to apply

Game Designer

Game Designer is a volunteer staff position requiring applicants to use their experience with our server to improve our content delivered to players.

We expect applicants to be active, committed, creative, and have a good level of experience with our server.

Click here to apply

Current Paid Positions


Developer is a paid staff position at NetherGames that requires applicants to work behind the scenes.

Successful applicants will be accepted into our Development Team, which assists the network by patching bugs & fixing issues, maintaining existing games, and developing new features/games/systems.

We expect applicants to be active, committed, and have a good development background. Upon completing your application, you will be asked to provide the username of your actively used GitHub account, three relevant examples of your development work, and optionally include your portfolio website or a cover letter & resume.

We will not provide training or necessary equipment (i.e., a computer, software license, etc.). Applicants will be hired per project as independent contractors unless otherwise agreed. You must have sufficient knowledge of software development before applying—we require you to sign an NDA upon acceptance.

Kubernetes Engineer — Help modernize our network infrastructure to scale Minecraft servers dynamically according to demand. Prior experience required—please note that Minecraft Bedrock uses UDP traffic.

Java Developer — Assist in developing our internal communication system NetSys and our proxy servers around the globe. Prior experience in the Netty framework is required.

PHP Developer — We're looking for developers interested in creating new/revamping existing minigames & MMO-based games! Sufficient experience and knowledge of the PocketMine API (new 4.0 version) are necessary.

C# Developer — Got experience in developing C# applications? Put your skills to the test on a launcher and DLL injector—sufficient C# experience is required.

Frontend Developer — The role is for applicants interested in engineering web interfaces. Prior experience is necessary.

Click here to apply


Builder is a paid staff position requiring applicants to use their creative skills.

Successful applicants will be accepted into our Build Team, which assists the network by building new server/game lobbies, and custom maps to be used in games.

We expect applicants to be active, committed, creative, and have a good building background in Minecraft. You will be asked to provide three relevant examples of your builds in your application. Before being accepted, you will undertake a live trial-building test. In this test, we will task you with creating something according to a specific set theme without assistance from any other person. You will, however, be allowed to use a powerful world editing tool.

While we will provide you with an appropriate platform/server to build your creations on, we will not provide basic training or necessary physical equipment. You must have sufficient knowledge and a good understanding of build and design concepts in Minecraft before applying.

Click here to apply


Designer is a paid staff position requiring applicants to use their creative skills.

Successful applicants will be accepted into our Design Team, which assists the network by creating/designing custom graphics, skins, and resource/texture packs to be used in-game.

We expect applicants to be active, committed, creative, and have a good computer-aided, graphic, or Minecraft texture design background. Upon completing your application, you will be asked to provide three relevant examples of your creations and optionally include your portfolio website or a cover letter & resume.

We will not provide training or necessary equipment (i.e., a computer, software license, etc.). You must have sufficient knowledge of design concepts before applying.

Model Designer & Texture Artist — Create and design custom entity models, cosmetics, pets, or exciting User Interfaces. Sufficient experience and knowledge in Blockbench or working with JSON UIs required.

Graphics Design — Produce custom graphics for advertisements and in-game form images. Photoshop experience necessary.


We are currently not accepting new applications for our Designer role.