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Learn about what specific offences we issue punishments for in our Enforcement System article.

Thanks for playing on NetherGames! Before you start your journey, we'd like you to read through the guidelines and expectations we have for you while using our services. These rules help us ensure that all players can enjoy a positive and fun experience. Failure to adhere to these regulations will result in severe consequences.


Be careful with sharing access to your device. Players sharing the same device will be treated as alt accounts. Punishments will automatically apply to all these accounts. We may also consider your IP address when enforcing punishments in the future.

1. Respect yourself and others

Do not swear, curse, or hurl abuse at another player. Respect other players and treat others as you would like to be treated. Bullying is not tolerated at NetherGames, and we will prosecute offenders accordingly.

2. Keep your content appropriate

Do not post inappropriate content. An excellent way to check if your content is appropriate is to ask yourself—is this something that I could show to my parents? This definition also includes material that others could potentially find offensive. Racism, sexism or any other form of discrimination is strictly prohibited.

3. Be considerate while chatting

Think about others and what they will see in the chat when you post a message. Do not spam; repeatedly use the exact word/phrase or excessive caps in your messages to attract attention or annoy others. Respect the fact that a chat filter is in place for a reason. Profanity is allowed to a certain degree. You must censor it appropriately and not direct it towards another player.

4. Listen to and respect our staff members

Our staff members are here to ensure that everyone is having a great time. When they give you instructions, we expect you to follow what they say. Keep in mind that our staff team is comprised of volunteers. They are here to help and to keep the server safe—but they are not your servants. When asking questions or engaging in conversation with them, do so in a polite manner.

5. Advertising/endorsing other servers is not allowed

Advertising or endorsing another Minecraft Bedrock Edition server is strictly prohibited at NetherGames. You may mention other servers if they are used to provide context in a conversation. However, any further discussion relating to another server will be treated as advertising.

6. Keep your personal information safe

While we would love to believe that there are no bad people in the world, this is unrealistic. Keep your personal information to yourself—this is the internet. Remember that all conversations and messages you send are posted on a public forum, likely where they will stay forever.

7. Turn off your client modifications

Client modifications or "cracked clients" that are not officially endorsed by Minecraft cannot be used on NetherGames. Prohibited modifications give you abilities that are not obtained rightfully—e.g. fly hacking, jump/speed boost, auto clicking, etc. Resource/texture packs that provide cosmetic changes which do not affect gameplay or provide advantages are allowed. Learn more about allowed client modifications.

These clients and/or modifications are also restricted/prohibited from being open/running in the background while playing on NetherGames.

8. Use an appropriate username and skin

Keep your username and skin appropriate for players of all ages. Prohibited skins may provide an advantage, such as one that uses custom geometry and not the "Alex" or "Steve" skin structure or ones that show excessive body parts.

9. Be thoughtful of your teammates and other players

Keep in mind you are placed in a team with other players. Trying to troll, 'grief' or kill them is not acceptable. Teaming with other players is not allowed in a solo match against other players. There is a reason why solo and team matches are separated. On Factions, "teleport trapping" other players is not permitted. Do not take advantage of other players by partaking in such activities.

10. Keep your clicks at an acceptable rate

Remember to think about the players on mobile clients while in the game. There are no limitations on specific clicking methods (i.e. butterfly/drag/jittering). However, there is a cap of 15 clicks per second. Hardware or software that enables you to click at an unacceptable rate is also prohibited. Please help us keep the game fair for both mobile and desktop players.

11. Report a bug instead of abusing it

We prohibit abusing bugs to your advantage, even if you have already reported them to our team. If you find such game-breaking bugs, you should report them to #bugs on our Discord server at immediately and file reports for players using these bugs to their advantage.

12. Accept the punishment

Attempting to evade your punishment, or providing assistance to another player to evade theirs, is strictly prohibited. There are rules and an appropriate punishment system in place, and by using/playing on our services, you agree to follow these guidelines to help ensure everyone has a positive experience.

13. No soliciting monetary transactions on our platforms

In exchange for in-game items or other services, in server chat or our Discord server, you may not actively solicit financial transactions, including gift codes or other items with real-life economic value. This rule is distinct from scamming in general, which is at your own risk. In-game, a 1-month ban will be issued to players actively participating in such activities. However, we can only moderate activities performed within our platforms.

14. Do not obstruct staff from undertaking their duties

Our staff members are volunteers who work hard to make the server a safer place. Please do not obstruct staff from doing their job or you will be faced with a punishment yourself. This includes (but is not an exhaustive list), telling other players a staff is spectating or online, or falsifying evidence.


Suppose you need clarification about what type of activity or behaviour is allowed. In that case, we encourage you to contact our support team—through Modmail on our Discord server at We prefer you ask questions to help clear up any misconceptions you may have rather than face potential consequences if you break one of our regulations.

We reserve the right to change these rules without prior notice or consultation with the broader community, which may come into effect immediately. We may also exercise the right to ban and refuse service or limit service access to any player/user at our discretion, regardless of whether they have broken the above regulations.

Thanks for playing on NetherGames—we hope to see you soon!